The empowerment of others fuels great leadership
Dear Founders, Directors and Executives,
What should you give your Executive Assistant, Executive Operations or Executive Business Partner this year? While an increase in salary or a bonus is always appreciated, the current economic climate may prevent you from doing so. May we suggest a gift that will elevate your leadership AND help retain your valued employee? Give them a subscription to our mastermind peer coaching group.
Each cohort consists of 3-5 carefully selected C-Suite level EA/EO/EBPs that meet on a monthly basis online, led by a certified PCC executive coach. If you want your EO to learn new skills and develop key competencies, this peer coaching environment will support their growth and transformation. Research shows that coaching and peer coaching facilitate significantly more learning and development than training. Designed with your ROI in mind, participation in this mastermind group* will impact your leadership and company operations by improving efficiency and effectiveness.
Sign up here
*As a bonus: this ongoing education may also be eligible for a tax credit via the US IRS Education Assistance Programs